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Space Scholarship

Our room grant for the promotion of art and culture.


With our space scholarship, we award free exhibition rooms with curatorial support and an exhibition fee to the scholarship recipients. The aim is to give talented artists space and to present their works to the public. Our spatial grants should make a lasting contribution to gaining a foothold in art and make a contribution to society. 


Available exhibition spaces are all existing gallery spaces of the Culterim Gallery. A current list is here. Three scholarships are awarded each year. The application periods are January, May and September of each year. We look forward to receiving your applications and will get back to you within 2 weeks of the deadline.


  • 1 week exhibition space grant with 3 exhibition days

  • Gallery spaces of the Culterim Gallery

  • Exhibition fee of 500€

  • Curatorial Support 

  • Press work by the Culterim Gallery

  • documentation of the exhibition

  • Exhibition period: April, August, December

  • Application period: January for April, May for August, September for December

  • Required documents: portfolio/concept + CV in German or English

  • Application to:

support group

Would you like to support the work of the Kunstverein Culterim e.V. permanently? Become active through a sponsorship and receive invitations to guided tours and events specifically for the sponsorship group as a thank you. 

To become a sponsor, please send an email with your contact details and desired contribution to:


Active assistance

Would you like to actively help and support the Culterim e.V. art association? We always need helping hands, be it with exhibition supervision, conversion and renovation or selling coffee and cake.

If you are interested in actively helping, please send an email to:


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